Sunday, June 7, 2009

Catching Up

Well lets see,what's been happening?
School Chorus
School Awards

Time gets by so quick!
Anyway I said to myself :Self, if you don't start blogging soon your two followers are going to disown you! I don't want to be disowned,so here we go!


So proud of my grand-daughter Ayla!!
I would never be able to get up in front of a
crowd and do this!

These children sang their hearts out! I was so
amazed! (Think I'm bragging, huh.) Well guess
what! No, really guess!No,that's not it. I will tell
ya. These little angels was being recorded and
are going to be on the Public Broadcasting Radio Station!
How bout that! Cool,huh!

My Angel with her chorus Teacher.


Hide the eggs and they will come......

Our Zoo Crew after the hunt...
I just couldn't wait to help them check out those eggs!

Six Flags

The Zoo Crew on their way in....

Getting cooled off....
I thought!

Couple more rides and then this....

Not only did I get cooled off, I
was soaked to the bone! Stayed wet the rest
of the day.....

Then we met some super hero's....
( I should have talked to the one in the black cape
before I rode his ride! )

What's This! I DON'T THINK SO!

The line was to long anyway,even if I had had
the courage.....

Happy Birthday Olivia!

There's the birthday girl.
(With the big beautiful smile!)

The best gift! Now she can go riding
with dad!

Daddy Josh, helping with the balloons....

Bring on the cake!

Yea! That's what I'm talking about!!

Thanks! Little Heather for this pic.
I just love the way it looks!

Happy Birthday Taylor!

Nothing like helping out in the kitchen!

First homemade Barbie cake.Good job Teresa!
Taylor loved it and couldn't wait to get the Barbie....

Lots of gifts!


and money is always good!

School Awards

Good Attendance!

Certificate of Achievement for 3rd Grade
Spelling B!

A Honor Roll !

Medal of Academic Excellence!

Honor Chorus!
Music Certificate!
Citizenship Award!
Reach Award!
Could a MiMi be anymore Proud?I think not!!!!!

Happy Birthday Melissa!

This is our cup cake cake...My wonderful grand-daughter Heather
Made this cake for her Mom.( And I helped!) Good job Heather!

And Happy Birthday!
Daddy, Teresa,Lynn,Ben and Terrance

The Mother Trucker,
Keep on Truckin!

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